Social Media Profile

A selection of some of the Philomind social media sites.

Amazon Books Page

Books on motivational spiritual philosophy that are intended to inspire you into asking yourself the questions that will point towards what you are searching for. The books are intended to bringing the many possibilities available to you to life, by making you aware of the options available for creating the life you desire.

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YouTube Channel

500 subscribers

YouTube Channel

LAre you living or creating the life that you truly deserve, the life that you always imagined, the life that you really desire? Can you realize your dreams, or are they gradually slipping away from you? Discover the potential answers to these and many other questions through these sensational videos

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Twitter Posts

7,700 Plus Post
2450 Followers Plus

Twitter Posts

Intuitive philosophical spirituality motivational and inspirational quotations that are aimed at looking beyond the boundaries.

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The Solution

1,720,000 Connections
1,800 Followers Plus

Facebook Solution Page

Develops the seeds for thought that will be the basis to create a new and richer life for yourself. Richness is not financial, but rather a life of bliss, something money can't buy.

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Power Of The Heart

1,032 People Joined Page
1,036 People Following

FB Power Of The Heart

The heart is natures most untapped immense resource. Utilising the power of the heart is the most significant choice you will make in life.

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Laws Of Creation

910 People Joined Page
896 People Following

FB Laws Of Creation

Laws of Creation are not about attracting what you want, but rather about creating through desires, imagination, expectation, belief, the things that you desire in your life.

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1,720,000 Connections

Facebook Laws Of Creation

THE LAWS Of CREATION provides insight into The Secrets of what the Laws of Attraction are really all about; harnessing the power within each of us of to create the life that we truly deserve.

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249 Posts Plus
19,102 Plus Page Views

Memoire Pulpit

Motivational spiritual philosophy that is intended to inspire people into asking themselves the questions that will lead them to The Solution they are searching for. 

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